These webpages identify external resources on specific topics of interest to foster, kinship and adoptive families.
Here we provide some resources for parents and caregivers to better understand and use available methods for resolving conflicts or disputes between families and schools.
This page features a variety of print, video and other resources for families raising children, youth or young adults who have experienced prenatal exposure to alcohol or drugs. Resources designed for teachers, clinicians and other professionals working with individuals with FASD and related prenatal exposures are also included.
The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act was signed into law on October 7, 2008, as Public Law 110-351. It’s many provisions includes requirements to increase Educational Stability. These requirements add travel to and from school in the foster care maintenance payment definition, adds a case plan requirement to ensure educational stability for children in foster care, and requires that the title IV-E agency ensure that each child receiving a payment under the title IV-E plan is attending school full time or has completed secondary school.
This page features a number of external and FFF resources on childhood trauma, responding to trauma and trauma-sensitive schools. Click the "For educators" box below to limit search results to those resources that may be particularly helpful to school personnel. In addition to services and supports at schools, Virginia regional Community Services Boards offer behavioral health services for children and families. Emergency services and crisis response are among the supports offered by CSBs. Local CSBs can be found at .