This website from the UK Department of Health and Social Care is designed for children, youth and young adults who have had prenatal exposure to alcohol, and may be diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
Interactive tools and resources help youth, families and connected adults learn more about the condition and how to cope.
This fact sheet from Formed Families Forward and the WAZE to Adulthood project at PEATC is designed for youth in foster care. It names specific considerations when a youth in foster care turns 18. Links to other Virginia resources are provided.
From FFF and the WAZE to Transition project at PEATC, this fact sheet is designed for youth in foster care. It overviews individualized education programs (IEPs) and foster care transition plans.
A Spanish version of the fact sheet is also available.
From the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research, these TEST tip sheets are designed for youth and young adults who have individualized education programs (IEPs). One focuses on preparing for an IEP meeting and another focused on identifying community partners to participate in IEP meetings and transition planning.
Dude, Where’s My Transition Plan? Guide from Formed Families Forward and PEATC.
The youth-friendly guide covers many of the basics of transition preparation and planning, including: