For Families

Back to School with ADHD webinar

Originally broadcast live on September 6, 2022, this webinar from FFF provides an overview of ADHD, recent federal policies and strategies for formed families impacted by the condition.

  • Video, Back to School with ADHD webinar

    Recording of Back to School ADHD webinar

  • PPT, Back to School with ADHD webinar

    Presentation slides

Neurodiversity and Virtual Learning: Understanding Tourette Syndrome and Co-Occurring Conditions

Presented live on November 18, 2020 by Wendy Wegman from Tourette Association of America. This 6th webinar in Formed Families Forward’s Facing Fall series covered prevalence and characteristics of Tourette Syndrome and other tic disorders. The presentation shared information about co-occurring disorders including ADHD, OCD and other mental health conditions.  Ms. Wegman also covered strategies for accommodating special needs during virtual learning.

Slides and a handout from the presentation are provided here.

  • PDF, Neurodiversity and Virtual Learning: Understanding Tourette Syndrome and Co-Occurring Conditions

    Session handout

  • PDF, Neurodiversity and Virtual Learning: Understanding Tourette Syndrome and Co-Occurring Conditions

    Webinar presentation slides

Success for Students with ADHD: How New Federal Guidance Impacts your Child
November 09, 2017

Success for Students with ADHD: How New Federal Guidance Impacts your Child by Catherine Adams and Kelly Henderson.

  • PPT, Success for Students with ADHD: How New Federal Guidance Impacts your Child