Virginia Centers and Resources

Transition Planning for Youth in Foster Care fact sheet
November 08, 2022

From FFF and the WAZE to Transition project at PEATC, this fact sheet is designed for youth in foster care. It overviews individualized education programs (IEPs) and foster care transition plans.

A Spanish version of the fact sheet is also available.

  • Factsheet, Transition Planning for Youth in Foster Care fact sheet

    Transition Planning Foster Care Fact Sheet

  • Factsheet, Transition Planning for Youth in Foster Care fact sheet

    Spanish Transition Planning Foster Care Fact Sheet en Espanol

Dude, Where’s My Transition Plan?
November 20, 2014

Dude, Where’s My Transition Plan? Guide from Formed Families Forward and PEATC.

The youth-friendly guide covers many of the basics of transition preparation and planning, including:

  • Transition planning as part of the IEP
  • Transition services
  • Self-determination
  • Goal setting
  • Employment
  • Post-secondary education
  • Health care
  • Independent living options
  • Managing money
  • Transportation
  • Adult rights and responsibilities
  • MANY national and Virginia resources
  • Toolkit, Dude, Where’s My Transition Plan?

Great Expectations program

Great Expectations program for Virginia foster youth pursuing community college and other post-secondary education options.

  • Website, Great Expectations program

Person-Centered Practices

Person-Centered Practices is a Virginia resource to promote the use of person centered practices among people with disabilities and older adults, their families and supporters in order to create positive change in their own lives, communities and organizations. The Center for Person Centered Practices is a project of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Partnership for Persons with Disabilities. It promotes ways for people to create and maintain positive change in their lives, organizations, and communities through the use of person centered skills and actions.

  • Website, Person-Centered Practices