
Understanding FASD as a Brain-Based Disability webinar
January 07, 2025

Presented live on January 7, 2025 as part of FFF’s January FASD webinar series, this webinar is presented by Jenn Werden, MSW, from The Florida Center on Early Childhood.  The session provides an overview of prenatal exposure to alcohol, including specifics on diagnoses of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, as well as symptoms and impacts.

  • PDF, Understanding FASD as a Brain-Based Disability webinar

    Presentation slides

  • Webinar, Understanding FASD as a Brain-Based Disability webinar

    Understanding FASD webinar recording

Intro to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) webinar
January 16, 2024

Broadcast live on January 16, 2024, this webinar presented by Dr. Stacia Stribling, FFF’s Training and Administrative Coordinator, covered fundamental aspects of disorders associated with prenatal alcohol exposure.

  • PDF, Intro to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) webinar

    Webinar presentation slides

  • Video, Intro to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) webinar

    What is FASD? Webinar recording

Interdisciplinary Diagnosis and Interventions for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders webinar
January 24, 2023

Originally broadcast live on January 24, 2023, this webinar features Dr. Elizabeth Cleveland of the Central Arkansas University. Dr. Cleveland overviews FASD and in particular, the  diagnosis of FAS and ND-PAE. She offers recommendations for meeting the needs of children, youth and young adults in home and school settings.

  • Video, Interdisciplinary Diagnosis and Interventions for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders webinar

    Webinar recording

  • PDF, Interdisciplinary Diagnosis and Interventions for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders webinar

    Dr. Cleveland's presentation slides

FASD Diagnosis webinar
January 13, 2022

Delivered live on January 13, 2022, FFF hosted Dr. Renee Turchi for a webinar about diagnosis of conditions under the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders umbrella.

  • Webinar, FASD Diagnosis webinar

    Webinar Recording

  • PDF, FASD Diagnosis webinar

    Slides from Dr. Turchi FASD Diagnosis

  • PDF, FASD Diagnosis webinar

    Turchi and colleagues article on FASD Integrated Care

FASD Toolkit from American Academy of Pediatrics

The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Toolkit was developed to raise awareness, promote surveillance and screening, and ensure that all affected children receive appropriate and timely interventions. From the American Academy of Pediatrics in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control.

  • Website, FASD Toolkit from American Academy of Pediatrics

Collection of FASD resources from Emory University

Fact sheets and other resources on FASD and prenatal drug exposure.

  • Website, Collection of FASD resources from Emory University

WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

Dr. Susan Rich presented a webinar as part of our FASD series. Find her slides and additional handouts here, as well as a recording of the  webinar. Please note that video images start about 6 minutes into the recording and due to errors in the file, the audio of Dr. Rich discontinues @ minute 30. We have worked with GoToWebinar extensively to repair the audio file and unfortunately there was a permanent loss of audio. We are assured this issue will not reoccur in future webinars. Our apologies.

  • PDF, WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

    Slides from Dr. Rich's webinar

  • PDF, WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

    ND PAE Diagnostic Tool from Dr. Rich Jan 2019 webinar

  • PDF, WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

    ND PAE diagnostic tool Explanation Dr. Rich Jan 2019 webinar

  • Webinar, WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

    Recording of Dr. Rich's 1/28/19 webinar (video begins @ minute 6)

Fetal Alcohol Exposure overview from NIAAA

Fact sheet from the National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism covering different terms, symptoms and clinical diagnoses under the spectrum of FASD.

  • Document, Fetal Alcohol Exposure overview from NIAAA

Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

This Special Article outlines clinical implications and guidelines for pediatric medical home clinicians to identify, diagnose, and refer children regarding neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal exposure. Emphasis is given to reported or observable behaviors that can be identified as part of care in pediatric medical homes, differential diagnosis, and potential comorbidities. In addition, brief guidance is provided on the management of affected children in the pediatric medical home. Finally, suggestions are given for obtaining prenatal history of in utero exposure to alcohol for the pediatric patient.

  • PDF, Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

    Article, PDF

  • Website, Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

    Article online

North Dakota Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center online clinic

Welcome to the online clinic of Dr. Larry Burd, Director of the North Dakota Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dr. Burd’s research encompasses areas such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Autism, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Smoking Prevention in Schools.

North Dakota Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center also provides an online clinic with various resources.

  • Website, North Dakota Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center online clinic

    North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences

  • Website, North Dakota Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center online clinic

    Online clinic

University of Wisconsin training videos on FASD

Brief training videos on FASD from the University of Wisconsin.

  • Video, University of Wisconsin training videos on FASD