National Resources

Competitive Integrated Employment Transformation hub
March 27, 2024

From the US Department of Labor.

The Supporting Transformative Change in Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Opportunities for People with Disabilities landing page links to resources to support steps to increase the participation of people with disabilities in CIE. Whether you’re an individual with a disability or family member, employment service provider, state agency or employer our CIE Transformation Hub has practical resources for you.

  • Website, Competitive Integrated Employment Transformation hub

    Competitive Integrated Employment hub

Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative for housing

This federal program offers vouchers for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs).  Eligibility includes youth at least 18 years and not more than 24 years of age (have not reached their 25th birthday) who left foster care, or will leave foster care within 90 days.

  • Website, Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative for housing

    FYI information from HUD

  • Website, Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative for housing

    Information on FYI program from National Center for Housing and Child Welfare

Who’s on the IEP Team resources

From the WAZE to Adulthood project at PEATC, these fact sheets support parents/caregivers and students in understanding all roles and the members of an IEP team.

  • Factsheet, Who’s on the IEP Team resources

    Who is on My IEP visual for students

  • Factsheet, Who’s on the IEP Team resources

    Who is on my IEP team fact sheet for students

  • Factsheet, Who’s on the IEP Team resources

    Roles around the IEP Table sheet for parents/caregivers

Charting the LifeCourse

Charting the LifeCourse is designed to be used for individuals with disabilities, family members, or in the work individuals do. The framework and tools will help organize ideas, vision, and goals, as well as problem-solve, navigate, and advocate for supports. The LifeCourse Nexus website provides links to resources and information for individuals, families and professionals, including e-learning modules.

  • Website, Charting the LifeCourse

    Charting the LifeCourse Tools website

Supported Decision Making Library

From The Arc of Northern Virginia, a collection of resources on supported decision making, an array of services and procedures to support adults with disabilities into adulthood, often as an alternative to Guardianship.

  • Website, Supported Decision Making Library

    Supported Decision Making resources

US Office of Disability Employment Policy
Office of Disability Employment Policy, an agency within the U.S. Department of Labor, offers individuals with disabilities and employers information and resources to promote and maintain employment of persons with disabilities. Among its program areas are disability employment statistics and employment supports.
  • Website, US Office of Disability Employment Policy

My Future website

A website produced by the Department of Defense with data from the Departments of CommerceEducation and Labor. Site offers information and tools on post-high school career, education and military options.

  • Website, My Future website

Practice Guides for Transitions for Students with Emotional Disorders

Resources from a Translating Evidence to Support Transitions (TEST) grant is to increase the use and adoption of research-based best practices in transition planning services for high school students with emotional and behavioral disorders receiving special education services.

Scroll down page to find Practice Guides, Presentations and other resources.

  • Website, Practice Guides for Transitions for Students with Emotional Disorders

Social Security Benefits for Children and Adolscents

A great one page comparison table for families and professionals from the Center for Transition Innovations at VCU.

  • Factsheet, Social Security Benefits for Children and Adolscents

PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment

The road to adulthood for youth with disabilities is filled with opportunity, and parents play a key role. PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment is ready with the information families want, presented in a way families can use. The site features a wide array of transition-related resources for families and youth.

  • Website, PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment

WIOA: New Law Helps Youth & Young Adults Get Jobs – What Families Need to Know

This fact sheet reviews key eligibility and services provided under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).  It focuses on the supports for youth and young adults with psychiatric disabilities.


  • Factsheet, WIOA: New Law Helps Youth & Young Adults Get Jobs – What Families Need to Know

The In’s and Out’s of Social Security Disability, SSI and DAC Benefits
February 08, 2017

The In’s and Out’s of Social Security Disability, SSI and DAC Benefits by Sheri Abrams, Esq.

  • PPT, The In’s and Out’s of Social Security Disability, SSI and DAC Benefits

Supporting the Education of Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions Webinar

Supporting the Education of Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions:
State of the Science
presented by Marsha Ellison, PhD, Michelle Mullen, MS, CRC, CPRP, and Kathleen Biebel, PhD of the Implementation Science and Practice Advances Research Center  at U Mass (formerly The Transitions RTC)

Originally broadcast on January 7, 2016

The majority of college students with serious mental health conditions do not finish school, jeopardizing their long-term employment. Can supported education services help?

Marsha Ellison, Michelle Mullen and Kathleen Biebel, researchers and trainers of supported education services, will host a 2-part webinar series presenting the state of the science 2nd state of the practice of supported education and related strategies for achieving post-secondary education goals of young adults with SMHC.

  • Webinar, Supporting the Education of Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions Webinar

The Learning & Working Transitions RTC 

The Learning & Working Transitions RTC at University of Massachusetts Medical Center focuses on youth and young adults ages 14-30 who have serious mental health conditions, conducting cutting-edge research on age appropriate programs that support education, training, and working during the transition to adulthood.

  • Website, The Learning & Working Transitions RTC 


JobCorps, a free education and training program that helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job has several locations in Virginia.

  • Website, JobCorps

Education & Training Connections resources from CPIR

The Center for Parent Information and Resources provides a webpage on Education/Training Connections resources.

  • Website, Education & Training Connections resources from CPIR

Employment Connections resources

The Center for Parent Information and Resources offers this webpage on Employment Connections resources.

  • Website, Employment Connections resources

Top Mental Health Challenges Facing College Students

Best Colleges offers an article on Top Mental Health Challenges Facing College Students

  • Guide, Top Mental Health Challenges Facing College Students

PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment

PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment provides information and resources for youth, families, employers and others helping teens and young adults with disabilities as they transition.

  • Website, PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition, funded by US Department of Education to support states and local school systems.

  • Website, National Technical Assistance Center on Transition