These webpages identify external resources on specific topics of interest to foster, kinship and adoptive families.

Kinship Respite Program from Va DARS
February 01, 2024

A program of the Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS):

As of February 2024, this program is available to kinship/relative caregivers.

The Virginia Lifespan Respite Voucher Program (VLRVP) provides reimbursement vouchers to Virginia caregivers for the cost of temporary, short-term respite care provided to individuals of any age, with a documented disability or medical condition.

The goal of this program is to increase access and reduce barriers to respite care, as well as enhance education and awareness about respite care. Respite funding is limited to $595.00 per family through June 30, 2026, or until funds are exhausted. This program prohibits the use of these funds for rent, cleaning, medical supplies, food, or other household expenditures. Due to its limited funding, not all eligible applicants will be approved.

  • Website, Kinship Respite Program from Va DARS

    Virginia Lifespan Respite Voucher program DARS webpage

  • PDF, Kinship Respite Program from Va DARS

    Fillable applications for the Lifespan Respite Voucher Program

  • PDF, Kinship Respite Program from Va DARS

    Voucher Program Flyer Feb 2024

Video Guide to the Special Education Evaluation Process for Families
January 01, 2024

From the Virginia Department of Education, these brief videos cover aspects of the process for special education evaluation and eligibility.

  • Website, Video Guide to the Special Education Evaluation Process for Families

    Link to Video Guide

FASD and law enforcement: Moving from Reactive to Proactive webinar
February 07, 2024

This webinar was originally broadcast live on February 7, 2024. Presented by Lucy Beadnell of The Arc of Northern Virginia, this webinar offered historical perspectives on interactions between law enforcement and persons with developmental disabilities. Practical recommendations for families to prevent arrests were shared.

  • PDF, FASD and law enforcement: Moving from Reactive to Proactive webinar

    Presentation slides

  • Video, FASD and law enforcement: Moving from Reactive to Proactive webinar

    Recording of webinar

Connection, Curiosity and Compassion presentation at LCPS Mental Wellness conference
January 27, 2024

Presented at the Loudoun Co. Public Schools Mental Health and Wellness conference on January 27, 2024, this presentation focused on how to regulation and connect with your children, so they feel safe, seen and valued.

  • PDF, Connection, Curiosity and Compassion presentation at LCPS Mental Wellness conference

    Presentation slides

Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative for housing

This federal program offers vouchers for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs).  Eligibility includes youth at least 18 years and not more than 24 years of age (have not reached their 25th birthday) who left foster care, or will leave foster care within 90 days.

  • Website, Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative for housing

    FYI information from HUD

  • Website, Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative for housing

    Information on FYI program from National Center for Housing and Child Welfare

Parenting Tips for Kids with FASD

From nonprofit Creating A Family, this tip sheet offers 7 strategies for parenting children and youth with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.

  • Factsheet, Parenting Tips for Kids with FASD

    Parenting Tips fact sheet

Military Families with Disabilities Resources
October 02, 2023

This page on the Center for Family Involvement website offers links to video and print resources designed for Virginia military-connected families who are raising children and youth wtih disabilities. Additional resources from Formed Families Forward and PEATC are also linked.

  • Website, Military Families with Disabilities Resources

    Military Family Resources

  • Video, Military Families with Disabilities Resources

    Mental Wellness and Trauma-Informed Practices in Military Families video from FFF

  • Factsheet, Military Families with Disabilities Resources

    Turning 18 in Military Families fact sheet from PEATC

The Virginia Family’s Guide to Special Education

Revised in 2023, this Guide from the Virginia Department of Education offers an overview of special education policies and procedures for the state.

  • Website, The Virginia Family’s Guide to Special Education

    Virginia Family's Guide to Special Education

Turning 18 fact sheets

These fact sheets for youth and young adults focus on critical actions, items and services that are important when a youth turns 18 years of age.

Produced as part of the WAZE to Adulthood project of the Parent Educational Advocacy and Training Center (PEATC). The fact sheet for youth in foster care was written by Formed Families Forward as part of an agreement with the WAZE project.

  • Factsheet, Turning 18 fact sheets

    Youth in Foster Care in Virginia - What Happens When You Turn 18 fact sheet

  • Factsheet, Turning 18 fact sheets

    Turning 18 in Virginia: A Resource Document for families

  • Factsheet, Turning 18 fact sheets

    Turning 18 in Virginia: A Resource Document for Military Families

Me and My FASD website

This website from the UK Department of Health and Social Care is designed for children, youth and young adults who have had prenatal exposure to alcohol, and may be diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).

Interactive tools and resources help youth, families and connected adults learn more about the condition and how to cope.

  • Website, Me and My FASD website

    Me and My FASD website

Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (POPFASD)

A website of the Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (POPFASD), funded by the British Columbia Ministry of Education shares current research, ideas, strategies, training and resources in order to build capacity in schools for students with FASD and their teachers.

  • Website, Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (POPFASD)

    POPFASD website

Youth in Foster Care in Virginia: What Happens When You Turn 18
August 16, 2023

This fact sheet from Formed Families Forward and the WAZE to Adulthood project at PEATC is designed for youth in foster care. It names specific considerations when a youth in foster care turns 18. Links to other Virginia resources are provided.

  • Factsheet, Youth in Foster Care in Virginia: What Happens When You Turn 18

    Youth in Foster Care in Virginia- What Happens when you turn 18 fact sheet

LGBTQ family resources

A collection of linked resources for families raising LGBTQ+ children, youth and young adults, and professionals and communities who support them.

  • Document, LGBTQ family resources

    FFF Building LGBTQ Awareness and Acceptance webinar training and related resources

  • Website, LGBTQ family resources

    Family Acceptance Project LGBTQ Youth and Family resources

  • Website, LGBTQ family resources

    The Trevor Project

  • Website, LGBTQ family resources

    The National Center for Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression (The National SOGIE Center)

Teen mental health resources for Picnic 2023
July 28, 2023

These mental health resources were developed for teens and young adults for the August 4, 2023 FFF Family Picnic.


  • Website, Teen mental health resources for Picnic 2023

    Teen mental health resources

988 Mental Health Suicide and Crisis Lifeline FAQ

From NAMI, updated information about the 988 mental health suicide and crisisline, as of July 2023, the one year anniversary of the 988 line.

  • Document, 988 Mental Health Suicide and Crisis Lifeline FAQ

    Updated Frequently Asked Questions on 988

  • Document, 988 Mental Health Suicide and Crisis Lifeline FAQ

    Fast Statistics on 988 from NAMI Northern Virginia

VDOE special education guidance documents

This Virginia Department of Education page links to official technical assistance and policy guidance documents related to special education in the state.

These resources were developed to provide professional development and technical assistance to parents, school personnel, and other consumers. All resources are intended to provide guidance for addressing the regulatory requirements and instructional elements needed for a student’s free appropriate public education (FAPE).

  • Website, VDOE special education guidance documents

    VDOE technical assistance and guidance documents

Kinship Care Guide from Virginia DSS

From the Virginia Department of Social Services, this guide overviews options for relatives and close family friends of children in foster care. Legal and financial implications of each option are reviewed. Includes links to other kinship care resources.

  • Guide, Kinship Care Guide from Virginia DSS

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: What Families Say about Parenting FASD fact sheet
June 09, 2023

This Fact Sheet, produced by GMU Intern Charlotte Walmsley in Spring 2023, provides suggestions based on lived experiences of parents and caregivers raising children, youth and young adults with FASD. Links to additional resources are included.

  • PDF, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: What Families Say about Parenting FASD fact sheet

Fact Sheets on Supporting Students’ Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic Well-Being and Success
June 01, 2023

In March of 2023, the U.S. Department of Education released Guiding Principles for Creating Safe, Inclusive, Supportive, and Fair School Climates for students and school staff, featuring specific recommendations for evidence-based practices that allow students to learn, grow, and be successful. To enhance state and local implementation of these guiding principles, a collaborative of technical assistance centers serving the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools developed a series of four fact sheets. The series describes best practices and approaches to help support and respond to students’ social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs, including practices designed to reduce the use of exclusionary discipline in schools.

Each fact sheet is tailored to a specific audience at the school or district level:

  • school and district leaders
  • student support teams
  • educators and school-based staff
  • families

The fact sheets also feature resources to help support stakeholders in this important work.

Fact sheets are available in English and Spanish.

  • Website, Fact Sheets on Supporting Students’ Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic Well-Being and Success

    Links to 4 Fact Sheets for different audiences, in English and Spanish

2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers

From the US Administration for Community Living, Health and Human Services, this 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers was created to support family caregivers of all ages, from youth to grandparents, and regardless of where they live or what caregiving looks like for them and their loved ones.

The strategy was developed jointly by the advisory councils created by the RAISE Family Caregiving Act and the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act, with extensive input from the public, including family caregivers and the people they support. It will be updated in response to public comments and will evolve with the caregiving landscape.

  • Website, 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers

    Link to Caregiver Strategy and related documents