These webpages identify external resources on specific topics of interest to foster, kinship and adoptive families.

Resource Collection on Trauma Informed Care

This comprehensive collection of resources (documents, webinars, videos, websites) on childhood trauma, trauma-informed care, trauma sensitive schools  and more is organized by topic. Topical collections include:

  • Basic Information about Trauma
  • What is Trauma Informed Care?
  • Trauma and Specific Populations
  • Building Trauma Informed Schools
  • Responding to Disasters

From the national Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR).

  • Website, Resource Collection on Trauma Informed Care

Factsheet on Profile of a Virginia Graduate from PEATC

This fact sheet from the Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) provides families and students an overview of the 5 C’s of what skills a Virginia graduate should have.

  • Factsheet, Factsheet on Profile of a Virginia Graduate from PEATC

Fetal Alcohol Exposure overview from NIAAA

Fact sheet from the National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism covering different terms, symptoms and clinical diagnoses under the spectrum of FASD.

  • Document, Fetal Alcohol Exposure overview from NIAAA

The ABCs of back to school with FASD

Informative PDF on the ABCs of  Back to School with FASD from the North American Council on Adoptable Children.

  • Factsheet, The ABCs of back to school with FASD

Summary of Family First Prevention Act

Signed into law in February 2018, the Family First Prevention Act reforms child welfare funding streams and focuses on prevention supports for families “at risk” of foster care, and adds supports for kinship navigation and other kinship initiatives.

  • Website, Summary of Family First Prevention Act

    Summary by First Focus Campaign for Children

Children and Trauma: What Can You Do? FFF Fact Sheet

Child traumatic stress refers to the physical and emotional responses of a child to events that threaten the life or physical integrity of the child or of someone critically important to the child (such as a parent or sibling). Traumatic events can overwhelm a child’s capacity to cope. Children may feel terror and powerlessness; they may act out. The fact sheet provides information to understand the types of trauma, potential responses to the trauma and ways to support a child who has experienced trauma.

  • Factsheet, Children and Trauma: What Can You Do? FFF Fact Sheet

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information on who is considered “Parent” for financial aid

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information on who is considered “Parent” for financial aid.

If you are considered a dependent student for FAFSA® purposes, you will need to provide information about your legal parent(s) on the application. A legal parent is your biological or adoptive parent, or your legal parent as determined by the state (for example, if the parent is listed on your birth certificate). If you have a stepparent currently married to your legal parent, you generally also must provide information about him or her.

  • Website, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information on who is considered “Parent” for financial aid

    More info and how to apply

Virginia Code section regarding enrolling kinship children in school: Section § 22.1-3

Virginia Code section regarding enrolling kinship children in school: § 22.1-3. Persons to whom public schools shall be free.

  • PDF, Virginia Code section regarding enrolling kinship children in school:  Section § 22.1-3

    Virginia Code § 22.1-3

  • Website, Virginia Code section regarding enrolling kinship children in school:  Section § 22.1-3

Kinship Care and School Enrollment in Virginia, report for the Virginia Commission on Youth

Kinship Care and School Enrollment in Virginia, report for the Virginia Commission on Youth.

  • Report, Kinship Care and School Enrollment in Virginia, report for the Virginia Commission on Youth

Power of Attorneys: Introduction, from Legal Aid Justice Center

Introduction to Power of Attorney including answering what is a Power of Attorney, what are the benefits of executing (completing and signing) a Power of Attorney.

Instructions for Power Of Attorney including steps for the agent to perform.

  • Guide, Power of Attorneys: Introduction, from Legal Aid Justice Center

    Introduction to Powers of Attorney

  • Guide, Power of Attorneys: Introduction, from Legal Aid Justice Center

    Instructions for Power Of Attorney

Education for Immigrant Students and Children of Immigrants, from Legal Aid Justice Center
  • Guide, Education for Immigrant Students and Children of Immigrants, from Legal Aid Justice Center

National Resource Center for Diligent Recruitment

The National Resource Center for Diligent Recruitment, NRCDR website closed on September 29, 2017. The NRCDR website is not being maintained but resources on diligent recruitment remain available.

  • Website, National Resource Center for Diligent Recruitment

Kinship Care webpage from Child Welfare Information Gateway

This landing page on the US Child Welfare Information Gateway website includes resources and links to information and resources specific to child welfare and kinship care.

  • Website, Kinship Care webpage from Child Welfare Information Gateway

    Kinship Care CWIG page

Supporting Kinship Caregivers Podcast series

Supporting Kinship Caregivers Podcast Series from Child Welfare Information Gateway.

Link to streaming services to listen to part 1 & part 2 of the podcast, or get the transcripts.


  • Website, Supporting Kinship Caregivers Podcast series

    Part 1 Website

  • Transcript, Supporting Kinship Caregivers Podcast series

    Transcript Part 1

  • Website, Supporting Kinship Caregivers Podcast series

    Part 2 Website

  • Transcript, Supporting Kinship Caregivers Podcast series

    Transcript Part 2

Kinship Treatment Foster Care toolkit

This 2015 toolkit from the Foster Family-based Treatment Association offers an overview of treatment foster care by kinship caregivers.

  • Toolkit, Kinship Treatment Foster Care toolkit

Hope and Healing for Sensory Deprivation

This booklet provides an overview of Sensory Deprivation or Sensory Processing Disorder. Based on the work of Carol Kranowitz and Karyn Purvis, information on definition, origins, detection & diagnosis,  and treatment are included.

  • Document, Hope and Healing for Sensory Deprivation

The Grandparent’s and Other Relative Caregiver’s Guide to Raising Children with Disabilities from the Children’s Defense Fund
  • Guide, The Grandparent’s and Other Relative Caregiver’s Guide to Raising Children with Disabilities from the Children’s Defense Fund

Children’s Defense Fund Guide to Resources for Kinship Families
  • Guide, Children’s Defense Fund Guide to Resources for Kinship Families

Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren
  • PDF, Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren

Compilation of Kinship Resources
  • Document, Compilation of Kinship Resources