These webpages identify external resources on specific topics of interest to foster, kinship and adoptive families.
The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition has a matrix of effective transition planning practices and predictors. Parents and caregivers, as well as educators, can learn about what works well for transitioning students with special needs.
A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities from the U.S. Department of Education covers transition planning, transition services, and post-high school education and employment options.
Person-Centered Practices is a Virginia resource to promote the use of person centered practices among people with disabilities and older adults, their families and supporters in order to create positive change in their own lives, communities and organizations. The Center for Person Centered Practices is a project of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Partnership for Persons with Disabilities. It promotes ways for people to create and maintain positive change in their lives, organizations, and communities through the use of person centered skills and actions.
Virginia Department of Education’s Transfer of Rights for Students with Disabilities Upon Reaching Age of Majority in Virginia, which includes information on educational power of attorney.
APPENDIX C is a Sample Specific Power Of Attorney For Educational Decisions Made Under The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act.
Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitation Services provides services to and for Virginians with disabilities including Employment Services, Community Based Services, Assistive Technology/Devices and Equipment, and Disability Determination.
Information from VDOE about the Applied Studies Diploma and other diplomas and certificates.
Information from VDOE about Credit Accommodations offered to students with disabilities who are seeking a Standard Diploma.
Information from VDOE about substitute tests for verified credit.
Using Trauma-Sensitive Strategies to Support Family Engagement and Effective Collaboration, presented by Dr. Elizabeth Meeker and hosted by the National Center for Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE)