Just for Youth and Young Adults

Think College

Think College: College options for people with Intellectual Disabilities

  • Website, Think College

A Life 4 Me

A Life 4 Me: for middle schoolers with disabilities and their parents

  • Website, A Life 4 Me

By Youth, For Youth: Employment guide

By Youth, For Youth: Employment guide from the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability

  • Guide, By Youth, For Youth: Employment guide

Dude, Where’s My Transition Plan?
November 20, 2014

Dude, Where’s My Transition Plan? Guide from Formed Families Forward and PEATC.

The youth-friendly guide covers many of the basics of transition preparation and planning, including:

  • Transition planning as part of the IEP
  • Transition services
  • Self-determination
  • Goal setting
  • Employment
  • Post-secondary education
  • Health care
  • Independent living options
  • Managing money
  • Transportation
  • Adult rights and responsibilities
  • MANY national and Virginia resources
  • Toolkit, Dude, Where’s My Transition Plan?

Foster Care to Success

Foster Care to Success: America’s College Fund for Foster Youth.

All Foster Care to Success scholarships share one application; we will determine the program(s) for which you are eligible based on the information you provide.

  • Website, Foster Care to Success

    Foster Care to Success

  • Website, Foster Care to Success

    Apply here

Great Expectations program

Great Expectations program for Virginia foster youth pursuing community college and other post-secondary education options.

  • Website, Great Expectations program

Project LIFE

Project LIFE, sponsored by Virginia Department of Social Services and United Methodist Family Services. The mission of Project Life is to enhance the successful transition of older foster youth to adulthood by a) increasing the capacity of professionals working with youth to engage in sound, evidence-based practices and b) by promoting permanent connections, effective preparation for transition to adulthood, and meaningful youth input into state and local policies and practices.

  • Website, Project LIFE

Comprehensive Approach to Transition Guide

Comprehensive Approach to Transition Guide from the Association of University Centers on Disability is a youth-friendly planning workbook.

  • Worksheet, Comprehensive Approach to Transition Guide

Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities

A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities from the U.S. Department of Education covers transition planning, transition services, and post-high school education and employment options.

  • PDF, Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities

Wilson Workforce Rehabilitation Center

Wilson Workforce Rehabilitation Center, in Fishersville, VA offers vocational evaluation and training services.

  • Website, Wilson Workforce Rehabilitation Center

Virginia’s I’m Determined project

Virginia’s I’m Determined project provides training modules and resources for teachers, parents and youth to promote self-determination of youth with disabilities.

  • Website, Virginia’s I’m Determined project

Person-Centered Practices

Person-Centered Practices is a Virginia resource to promote the use of person centered practices among people with disabilities and older adults, their families and supporters in order to create positive change in their own lives, communities and organizations. The Center for Person Centered Practices is a project of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Partnership for Persons with Disabilities. It promotes ways for people to create and maintain positive change in their lives, organizations, and communities through the use of person centered skills and actions.

  • Website, Person-Centered Practices

Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitation Services

Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitation Services provides services to and for Virginians with disabilities including Employment Services, Community Based Services, Assistive Technology/Devices and Equipment, and Disability Determination.

  • Website, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitation Services