Transition Through Middle And High School And Beyond

Considerations for Mental Health Support While Transition Planning
May 01, 2024

This Topical Paper from VCU Center on Transition Innovation addresses mental health prevalence among transition-aged youth. It overviews mental health and disability, and mental health and transition, and offers strategies for supporting students.

  • PDF, Considerations for Mental Health Support While Transition Planning

    Considerations for Mental Health Support While Transition Planning

Competitive Integrated Employment Transformation hub
March 27, 2024

From the US Department of Labor.

The Supporting Transformative Change in Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Opportunities for People with Disabilities landing page links to resources to support steps to increase the participation of people with disabilities in CIE. Whether you’re an individual with a disability or family member, employment service provider, state agency or employer our CIE Transformation Hub has practical resources for you.

  • Website, Competitive Integrated Employment Transformation hub

    Competitive Integrated Employment hub

Transitioning to Adulthood: Options and Resources from Panel Experts webinar
March 06, 2024

Broadcast live on March 6, 2024, this web panel of experts focused on post-secondary options for young adults with disabilities that impact behavioral health.

Three panelists from Breakthru Services, Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), and the ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia shared information on skill building services, the basics of eligibility for DARS post-high school services, as well as targeted supports available for young adults with mental health and neurobehavioral needs and other conditions which present challenges to traditional post-secondary education, training and employment options.

  • Video, Transitioning to Adulthood: Options and Resources from Panel Experts webinar

    Panel webinar recording

Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative for housing

This federal program offers vouchers for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs).  Eligibility includes youth at least 18 years and not more than 24 years of age (have not reached their 25th birthday) who left foster care, or will leave foster care within 90 days.

  • Website, Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative for housing

    FYI information from HUD

  • Website, Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative for housing

    Information on FYI program from National Center for Housing and Child Welfare

Military Families with Disabilities Resources
October 02, 2023

This page on the Center for Family Involvement website offers links to video and print resources designed for Virginia military-connected families who are raising children and youth wtih disabilities. Additional resources from Formed Families Forward and PEATC are also linked.

  • Website, Military Families with Disabilities Resources

    Military Family Resources

  • Video, Military Families with Disabilities Resources

    Mental Wellness and Trauma-Informed Practices in Military Families video from FFF

  • Factsheet, Military Families with Disabilities Resources

    Turning 18 in Military Families fact sheet from PEATC

Turning 18 fact sheets

These fact sheets for youth and young adults focus on critical actions, items and services that are important when a youth turns 18 years of age.

Produced as part of the WAZE to Adulthood project of the Parent Educational Advocacy and Training Center (PEATC). The fact sheet for youth in foster care was written by Formed Families Forward as part of an agreement with the WAZE project.

  • Factsheet, Turning 18 fact sheets

    Youth in Foster Care in Virginia - What Happens When You Turn 18 fact sheet

  • Factsheet, Turning 18 fact sheets

    Turning 18 in Virginia: A Resource Document for families

  • Factsheet, Turning 18 fact sheets

    Turning 18 in Virginia: A Resource Document for Military Families

Youth in Foster Care in Virginia: What Happens When You Turn 18
August 16, 2023

This fact sheet from Formed Families Forward and the WAZE to Adulthood project at PEATC is designed for youth in foster care. It names specific considerations when a youth in foster care turns 18. Links to other Virginia resources are provided.

  • Factsheet, Youth in Foster Care in Virginia: What Happens When You Turn 18

    Youth in Foster Care in Virginia- What Happens when you turn 18 fact sheet

IDEA to ADA: The Difference Between High School and College Accommodations webinar
January 10, 2023

Originally broadcast on January 10, 2023. this webinar was presented by Annie Tulkin, MS, Accessible College LLC.

  • PDF, IDEA to ADA: The Difference Between High School and College Accommodations webinar

    Webinar presentation slides

  • Video, IDEA to ADA: The Difference Between High School and College Accommodations webinar

    Webinar recording

  • Document, IDEA to ADA: The Difference Between High School and College Accommodations webinar

    Accessible College Resources from presenter Annie Tulkin

Educate, Collaborate, and Engage with Family Members throughout the Transition Process fact sheet
November 01, 2022

From VCU’s Center on Transitions Innovation, this brief factsheet covers strategies for educating, collaborating and engaging families of transition-age youth and young adults with disabilities.

  • Factsheet, Educate, Collaborate, and Engage with Family Members throughout the Transition Process fact sheet

    Transition Process fact sheet

Transition Planning for Youth in Foster Care fact sheet
November 08, 2022

From FFF and the WAZE to Transition project at PEATC, this fact sheet is designed for youth in foster care. It overviews individualized education programs (IEPs) and foster care transition plans.

A Spanish version of the fact sheet is also available.

  • Factsheet, Transition Planning for Youth in Foster Care fact sheet

    Transition Planning Foster Care Fact Sheet

  • Factsheet, Transition Planning for Youth in Foster Care fact sheet

    Spanish Transition Planning Foster Care Fact Sheet en Espanol

VDOE Credit accommodations for Advanced Studies and Standard Diplomas

This webpage provides updated information about available accommodations for earning credits needed for Virginia’s Standard and Advanced Studies diplomas.

  • Website, VDOE Credit accommodations for Advanced Studies and Standard Diplomas

    VDOE Credit Accommodations for students with disabilities

Supported Decision Making resources from Va DBHDS

Shared in 2022, these resources from the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services offers youth and families great tools for planning for key medical, housing, social, educational and other supports as youth enter young adulthood.

  • Worksheet, Supported Decision Making resources from Va DBHDS

    Virginia Supported Decision Making Agreement fill-in document

  • Worksheet, Supported Decision Making resources from Va DBHDS

    How to fill out the Virginia Supported Decision Making Agreement document

  • Worksheet, Supported Decision Making resources from Va DBHDS

    Virginia Supported Decision Making Discovery Tool

  • Worksheet, Supported Decision Making resources from Va DBHDS

    Virginia Supported Decision Making Relationship Map

  • Worksheet, Supported Decision Making resources from Va DBHDS

    Plain language authorization for education release of information

  • Worksheet, Supported Decision Making resources from Va DBHDS

    Plain language authorization for medical release of information

IEP Transition Planning In Virginia: Tips To Know For Youth With IEPs Who Are In Foster Care
April 04, 2022

A product of the WAZE to Adulthood project, developed by Formed Families Forward. This fact sheet offers tips and best practices for implementing strong transition planning for youth and young adults with disabilities who are also in foster care. Virginia-specific policies and resources are provided.

Designed for parents, caregivers, professional partners and others.

  • Factsheet, IEP Transition Planning In Virginia: Tips To Know For Youth With IEPs Who Are In Foster Care

3 Tips to Improve Communication with Your Youth & Young Adults tip sheet

This tip sheet provides parents and allies of youth and young adults with lived experience of a mental health condition tips be able to improve their connection with them. This tip sheet was developed as a collaboration between the family member and young adult advisory boards that work with the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research at University of Massachusetts. The tips are based on advisory board members’ real experiences.

  • Factsheet, 3 Tips to Improve Communication with Your Youth & Young Adults tip sheet

Who’s on the IEP Team resources

From the WAZE to Adulthood project at PEATC, these fact sheets support parents/caregivers and students in understanding all roles and the members of an IEP team.

  • Factsheet, Who’s on the IEP Team resources

    Who is on My IEP visual for students

  • Factsheet, Who’s on the IEP Team resources

    Who is on my IEP team fact sheet for students

  • Factsheet, Who’s on the IEP Team resources

    Roles around the IEP Table sheet for parents/caregivers

Charting the LifeCourse

Charting the LifeCourse is designed to be used for individuals with disabilities, family members, or in the work individuals do. The framework and tools will help organize ideas, vision, and goals, as well as problem-solve, navigate, and advocate for supports. The LifeCourse Nexus website provides links to resources and information for individuals, families and professionals, including e-learning modules.

  • Website, Charting the LifeCourse

    Charting the LifeCourse Tools website

Self Advocacy fact sheet

From the PEATC Planning Your Future series, this 2 page fact sheet is designed for youth and explains what is self-advocacy and offers suggestions for increasing it.

  • PDF, Self Advocacy fact sheet

    Self Advocacy Fact Sheet for youth

Got Transition organization

Got Transition® is the federally funded national resource center on health care transition (HCT). Its aim is to improve the transition from pediatric to adult health care through the use of evidence-driven strategies for clinicians and other health care professionals; public health programs; payers and plans; youth and young adults; and parents and caregivers.

  • Website, Got Transition organization

    Link to Special Populations webpage on Got Transition

Being Involved in Person-Centered Planning for Students and Young Adults with Disabilities in Foster, Kinship or Adoptive Families

This fact sheet from FFF and the WAZE to Adulthood project, led by PEATC and supported by the US Rehabilitative Services Administration. It provides an overview of some common challenges to transition planning for this population and offers parents and caregivers suggestions and resources for supporting person-centered planning.

  • Factsheet, Being Involved in Person-Centered Planning for Students and Young Adults with Disabilities in Foster, Kinship or Adoptive Families

    Fact Sheet

Supported Decision Making Library

From The Arc of Northern Virginia, a collection of resources on supported decision making, an array of services and procedures to support adults with disabilities into adulthood, often as an alternative to Guardianship.

  • Website, Supported Decision Making Library

    Supported Decision Making resources