Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders

Research and Training Center for Pathways to Positive Futures

At Portland State University, the Pathways to Positive Futures center aims to improve the lives of youth and young adults with serious mental health conditions through rigorous research and effective training and dissemination. Our work is guided by the perspectives of young people and their families, and based in a positive development framework.

  • Website, Research and Training Center for Pathways to Positive Futures

WIOA: New Law Helps Youth & Young Adults Get Jobs – What Families Need to Know

This fact sheet reviews key eligibility and services provided under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).  It focuses on the supports for youth and young adults with psychiatric disabilities.


  • Factsheet, WIOA: New Law Helps Youth & Young Adults Get Jobs – What Families Need to Know

Substance Abuse Prevention Program – Fairfax County

The Substance Abuse Prevention program, a partnership between the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board and Fairfax County Public Schools, works to provide substance use prevention, assessments and treatment to adolescents who are at risk of or who are actively using substances.

Specialized staff at seven high schools ensure youth have access to services to reduce substance use and address underlying issues that may lead to the decision to use. The program is confidential and staff are well versed in substance use and recovery.

  • Website, Substance Abuse Prevention Program – Fairfax County

    Fairfax SAP program for High School Students

Engaging with Schools to Support Your Child with Psychosis

From the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors,  this 14 page guide reviews signs of psychosis in children and youth and provides guidance on coordinating with schools.

  • PDF, Engaging with Schools to Support Your Child with Psychosis

Spring Forward breakout “Parent Child Interaction Therapy”

2014 Spring Forward breakout “Parent Child Interaction Therapy” by Lori Day and Elizabeth Adams.

  • PPT, Spring Forward breakout “Parent Child Interaction Therapy”

Supporting the Education of Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions Webinar

Supporting the Education of Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions:
State of the Science
presented by Marsha Ellison, PhD, Michelle Mullen, MS, CRC, CPRP, and Kathleen Biebel, PhD of the Implementation Science and Practice Advances Research Center  at U Mass (formerly The Transitions RTC)

Originally broadcast on January 7, 2016

The majority of college students with serious mental health conditions do not finish school, jeopardizing their long-term employment. Can supported education services help?

Marsha Ellison, Michelle Mullen and Kathleen Biebel, researchers and trainers of supported education services, will host a 2-part webinar series presenting the state of the science 2nd state of the practice of supported education and related strategies for achieving post-secondary education goals of young adults with SMHC.

  • Webinar, Supporting the Education of Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions Webinar

Parent and Educator Resource Guide on Section 504 from the US Department of Education
December 01, 2016

Some students with mental health challenges and other conditions may be considered students with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; some may also be considered students with disabilities who require special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Learn more about Section 504 with this Parent and Educator Resource Guide on Section 504 from the US Department of Education.

  • Website, Parent and Educator Resource Guide on Section 504 from the US Department of Education

  • Guide, Parent and Educator Resource Guide on Section 504 from the US Department of Education

Understanding Addiction article

Understanding Addiction, from the Harvard University School of Medicine.

  • Guide, Understanding Addiction article

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Information about substance use disorder treatment and referral to treatment resources is available from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

  • Website, National Institute on Drug Abuse

    NIDA website

  • Website, National Institute on Drug Abuse

    Find Treatment referral for mental health and substance use disorder treatment

What Does Research Tell Us About Services for Children in Therapeutic/Treatment Foster Care with Behavioral Health Issues?

Report of Expert Panel: What Does Research Tell Us About Services for Children in Therapeutic/Treatment Foster Care with Behavioral Health Issues? This 2012 report summarizes findings from an expert panel convened by federal agencies to address research on effective approaches to TFC.

  • Report, What Does Research Tell Us About Services for Children in Therapeutic/Treatment Foster Care with Behavioral Health Issues?

    Main Report

  • Report, What Does Research Tell Us About Services for Children in Therapeutic/Treatment Foster Care with Behavioral Health Issues?

    Appendices Revised

Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion

Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion offers resources for parents/caregivers who have mental illness.

  • Website, Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion

The Learning & Working Transitions RTC 

The Learning & Working Transitions RTC at University of Massachusetts Medical Center focuses on youth and young adults ages 14-30 who have serious mental health conditions, conducting cutting-edge research on age appropriate programs that support education, training, and working during the transition to adulthood.

  • Website, The Learning & Working Transitions RTC 

Children’s Mental Health Network

Children’s Mental Health Network provides weekly news and unbiased analysis of key issues through accessible web-based platforms focused on children, youth and families’ mental health and well-being.

  • Website, Children’s Mental Health Network

Child Mind Institute

The Child Mind Institute in New York City hosts a website that reports latest developments in children and adolescent mental health research and intervention.

  • Website, Child Mind Institute

National Institute of Mental Health

The National Institute of Mental Health provides information and resources on specific disorders, the latest research and how to access treatments.

  • Website, National Institute of Mental Health

The US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

The US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers a number of web resources including a Behavioral Health Treatment Locator and the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.

  • Website, The US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

    Behavioral Health Treatment Locator

  • Website, The US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

    Programs and Practices

National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health

The National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health offers a wealth of resources and free membership.

  • Website, National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Virginia

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Virginia offers opportunities that support, educate, and empower other families with children and youth with mental health needs while also promoting family driven and youth guided policy throughout the child serving systems.

  • Website, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Virginia

Virginia Community Services Boards

Community Services Boards (CSBs) throughout Virginia offer a range of services for adults and youth with mental health challenges, as well as for those with intellectual disabilities and substance abuse problems. Emergency services are available.

  • Website, Virginia Community Services Boards

    Community Service Boards

Virginia’s Children’s Services Act

Virginia’s Children’s Services Act provides for services to children and youth who are in foster care or require foster care preventive services, who require placement in private schools to receive special education, who have behavioral and mental health challenges, or who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.

  • Website, Virginia’s Children’s Services Act