Tips For Teachers from the Wisconsin Coalition for Children, Youth and Families share great suggestions for how teachers can adapt some typical class assignments.
Mary Grossnickle from The Coalition for Children, Youth and Families explain how teachers can adapt some typical class assignments to include any children they have who may be in out-of-home care or who have been adopted.
The Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative’s (TLPI) mission is to ensure that children traumatized by exposure to family violence and other adverse childhood experiences succeed in school. To accomplish this mission, TLPI engages in a host of advocacy strategies including: providing support to schools to become trauma sensitive environments; research and report writing; legislative and administrative advocacy for laws, regulations and policies that support schools to develop trauma-sensitive environments; coalition building; outreach and education; and limited individual case representation in special education where a child’s traumatic experiences are interfacing with his or her disabilities.
The Helping Traumatized Children Learn website from Massachusetts Advocates for Children.
BS International’s Disability Services Center and Georgetown University’s National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health have created an educational tool to help build state-by-state and provider capacity to serve children and youth who have experienced trauma.
Trauma-Informed Care resources and videos from the National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health at Georgetown University.
Using Trauma-Sensitive Strategies to Support Family Engagement and Effective Collaboration, presented by Dr. Elizabeth Meeker and hosted by the National Center for Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE)