Changing Tough Behavior: A Focus on the Nervous System webinar

September 10, 2024

Broadcast live on September 10, 2024, this FFF webinar offers parents and caregivers a new way to look at and address tough behaviors.  Based on the work of Robyn Gobbel and her book, Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors, will deepen understanding of ‘challenging’ behaviors. The webinar focused on strategies that boost the nervous system’s ability to promote a connected, calm and comfortable relationship for families, caregivers and professionals who raise or work with children and youth.

Presented by Melissa Lebling, registered Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors course facilitator, and Formed Families Forward’s Family Support  and Outreach Specialist.

  • Webinar

    Webinar recording

  • PDF

    Presentation Slides