Formed Families Forward is the family partner to the Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports project, an initiative of the Virginia Department of Education. We support divisions and schools in their efforts to engage families and community partners in the ongoing work of VTSS.

In addition to our work to support training and capacity development around family-school partnerships in VTSS schools and divisions, Formed Families Forward has produced five sets of training videos.

Most videos have English, Spanish and Arabic captions. When viewing, click the gear icon in the lower right of the video window to choose preferred caption language.

Our most recent video, Family Members on VTSS Teams (9.5 minutes) features a staged meeting and interviews with family members and educators sharing practical suggestions for including family members on decision-making teams. An accompanying fact sheet overviews the strategies shared in the video, HERE.


 Trauma Sensitive Approaches for Home and School videos feature family and clinician voice to provide critical information and strategies on Understanding Trauma; Addressing Trauma; and Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools.  These videos are designed for audiences of school staff and families. Find the Trauma Sensitive Approaches for Home and School videos and fact sheets HERE.


Three Strengthening Family Engagement in VTSS videos speak directly to what educators at school and division levels can do to support family engagement in multi-tiered systems of supports. Find the Strengthening Family Engagement in VTSS videos and fact sheet HERE.


The 9 minute Family Engagement with Schools: Strategies to Build Partnerships video offers specific tips for families to meaningful engage with schools. This video is designed primarily for audiences of family members and community partners. Find the Family Engagement with Schools: Strategies to Build Strong Partnerships video and fact sheet HERE.


Learn more about VTSS at https://vtss-ric.vcu.edu/.