Kelly Henderson

A special educator by profession, Kelly is a former public school teacher of students with emotional and behavioral disorders, and has worked in national and federal special education policy and research settings. Kelly’s family is formed in part through public foster care and adoption. Her young adult sons have a range of learning, behavioral, medical and cognitive disabilities. Pulling from her personal lived and professional experiences, Kelly consults with and trains adoptive, foster and kinship families and professional partners on special education and related topics. She also serves on numerous advisory boards and committees.

Kelly earned a Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Maryland College Park and served as an Executive Branch Policy fellow for the Society for Research in Child Development. In addition to her work at FFF, Kelly serves as part-time instructional faculty at George Mason University, training special education teachers. Kelly believes that when formed families have information and tools to advocate for critical educational services, their children and youth experience improved academic, social emotional, and behavioral outcomes. Email Kelly at