Formed Families Forward staff are able to offer classes to support positive parenting. The classes typically are delivered over a series of sessions, and may be offered in person or virtually. Our parenting classes may have an associated fee to help cover staff training and licensing or credentialing for specific curricula.
For 2025, our next offering is a 8-session course starting summer of Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behavior. The course is offered weekly on Tuesdays, virtually from 7 – 9 PM, starting June 17. The course is delivered by FFF’s Melissa Lebling, who is a certified Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behavior course facilitator. All 12 modules will be included in the 8 sessions. The registration fee for the course, inclusive of materials and access to the live sessions is $250.
Interested? Please complete this brief interest form and we will be in touch when registration officially opens.
Please CONTACT US if you are interested in hosting FFF to deliver parenting courses. Among the curricula we can deliver are Parenting Wisely, Positive Parenting (adapted from Positive Solutions for Families), National Training and Development Curriculum for Foster and Adoptive Parents (NTDC), ACE Interface, and Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors.