These fact sheets from FFF and the WAZE to Adulthood project, led by the Parent Educational Advocacy and Training Center (PEATC) and supported by the US Rehabilitative Services Administration are designed for youth. They define person-centered planning and offer strategies and offer questions for students to consider, in written and virtual formats.
These fact sheets from FFF and the WAZE to Adulthood project, led by the Parent Educational Advocacy and Training Center (PEATC) and supported by the US Rehabilitative Services Administration are designed for youth. They define self advocacy and offer strategies, in written and virtual formats.
This fact sheet prepared by Formed Families Forward, in partnership with the WAZE to Adulthood project with the Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) covers postsecondary educational options and resources for youth and young adults in foster care, kinship care, and adoptive homes, and who have disabilities in Virginia.
The sheet is designed for parents, caregivers, professionals and youth.
This fact sheet prepared by Formed Families Forward, in partnership with the WAZE to Adulthood project with the Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) covers postsecondary educational options and resources for youth and young adults in foster care, kinship care, and adoptive homes, and who have disabilities in 5 states: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennesse.
The sheets are designed for parents, caregivers, professionals and youth.
These fact sheets for youth and young adults focus on critical actions, items and services that are important when a youth turns 18 years of age.
Produced as part of the WAZE to Adulthood project of the Parent Educational Advocacy and Training Center (PEATC). One fact sheet, Youth in Foster Care in Virginia: What Happens When You Turn 18 is specifically for youth in foster care and was written by Formed Families Forward as part of an agreement with the WAZE project.
Other sheets address all youth and another addresses youth in military families.
From FFF and the WAZE to Transition project at PEATC, this fact sheet is designed for youth in foster care. It overviews individualized education programs (IEPs) and foster care transition plans.
A Spanish version of the fact sheet is also available.
A fact sheet developed by Formed Families Forward for the Parent Educational Adocacy and Training Center (PEATC)’s WAZE to Adulthood project. This fact sheet offers tips and best practices for implementing strong transition planning for youth and young adults with disabilities who are also in foster care. Virginia-specific policies and resources are provided.
Designed for parents, caregivers, professional partners and others.
From the WAZE to Adulthood project at PEATC, these fact sheets support parents/caregivers and students in understanding all roles and the members of an IEP team.
This fact sheet from FFF and the WAZE to Adulthood project, led by the Parent Educational Advocacy and Training Center (PEATC) and supported by the US Rehabilitative Services Administration. It provides an overview of some common challenges to transition planning for this population and offers parents and caregivers suggestions and resources for supporting person-centered planning.
This sheet is designed for parents, caregivers, and professionals.