Adoption Subsidy and Assistance

The Who, What, When, Where, and Why: Understanding Foster Care in Virginia webinar
May 08, 2024

This webinar, originally broadcast live on May 8, 2024 and hosted by Formed Families Forward, provides an overview of foster care in Virginia. Veteran DSS caseworker Shawn Nashwinter and foster/adoptive parent Melissa Lebling share specifics on training, eligibility and approval for foster or resource parents and address common questions.


  • PDF, The Who, What, When, Where, and Why: Understanding Foster Care in Virginia webinar

    Webinar Slides

  • Video, The Who, What, When, Where, and Why: Understanding Foster Care in Virginia webinar

    Webinar recording

US Adoption Assistance/Subsidy resources from Families Rising

Families Rising (formerly NACAC) has compiled information about subsidies/adoption assistance by state.


  • Website, US Adoption Assistance/Subsidy resources from Families Rising

    Resources on adoption assistance

Adoption Assistance for Children Adopted From Foster Care from The Child Welfare Information Gateway
June 01, 2024

This Child Welfare Information Gateway fact sheet for families describes how adoption assistance in the form of subsidies may help make adoption possible for families who are considering adopting a child from foster care. The factsheet explores how to secure financial assistance and adoption tax credits and how to use a State’s fair hearings process to challenge decisions related to such assistance. It also includes information on deferring adoption assistance and suggests helpful resources.

  • Factsheet, Adoption Assistance for Children Adopted From Foster Care from The Child Welfare Information Gateway

    Adoption Assistance

SSI, Adoption Assistance and other federal programs report

Social Security Advisory Board statement on the Supplemental Security Income program

The Social Security Administration was asked to conduct a comprehensive review of the children’s SSI program. In 2014, this review looked specifically at children in the foster care system. This report offers some clarification of income and eligibility requirements across programs.

  • Website, SSI, Adoption Assistance and other federal programs report

Children Adopted from Foster Care: Adoption Agreements, Adoption Subsidies and Other Post-Adoption Supports, ASPE
May 01, 2011

This research brief  presents information on post-adoption supports and services including adoption subsidy payments, and Medicaid coverage, and other services such as support groups for parents and children.

From the US HHS, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE).

  • Website, Children Adopted from Foster Care: Adoption Agreements, Adoption Subsidies and Other Post-Adoption Supports, ASPE

Policy Clarification from U.S. Department of Education

2013 Policy Clarification from U.S. Department of Education re: excluding extended foster care payments as income on FAFSA can be viewed here.

  • Report, Policy Clarification from U.S. Department of Education

Information Sheet on Virginia Assistance Programs from Virginia Department of Social Services
January 02, 2024

Information sheet on the Virginia Adoption Assistance Program, from the Virginia Department of Social Services.

  • Website, Information Sheet on Virginia Assistance Programs from Virginia Department of Social Services

    Information Sheet on Virginia Assistance Programs