Youth For Tomorrow (YFT) offers residential treatment for girls and boys. Residential, therapeutic and education staff provide professional services including residential treatment and supervision, case management, clinical services, nursing services and education in State and regionally accredited secondary school. One third of YFT staff are bilingual in Spanish and English. Children are grouped by gender, age, diagnosis and functioning level. The residents in each home spend all day together attending class, eating meals together and participating in activities as a group. Every home reflects the environment of a typical family home --a living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, showers, a kitchen, laundry room, and an office for residential counselors and house coordinators/parents. YFT has specialized programs for pregnant for pregnant teens and young mothers, girls who have been sex trafficked and exploited, and substance abuse treatment.
Jurisdictions Served:
Prince William
This provider has self-identified trauma expertise.
This provider accepts Medicaid.
Private Insurance:
This provider accepts private Insurance.