Childhelp Alice C. Tyler Village is a residential treatment community specializing in the treatment of children and adolescents with mild to severe trauma or neglect, psychiatric disorders, and neurodevelopmental disorders. Childhelp accepts children from age 5-14 years of age who have been referred by schools, parents, nearby judicial authorities, and child welfare offices. Children live in separate home-like cottages based on age and gender. While at the village, children receive on-site clinical services provided by Childhelp's multi-disciplinary team under the direction of a staff psychiatrist. The Village has residential and day-school special education programs open to children in the community. Childhelp has a full-time recreational therapist, a music therapist, an animal therapy specialist, and offers speech and occupational therapy to residents. The program is a 60-90 day treatment program.
Jurisdictions Served:
Outside Northern VA
This provider has self-identified trauma expertise.
This provider accepts Medicaid.
Private Insurance:
This provider accepts private Insurance.