Hallmark Youthcare offers residential programs for assessment & diagnostic, residential treatment, short term residential care, and treatment for sexually acting out youth (TSAY). Assessment and Diagnostic Services (A&D) provide a secure facility for children who do not have the necessary evaluations required to determine the most appropriate level of care. Comprehensive Adolescent Residential Treatment Program offers a multidisciplinary approach to individualized care for youth ages 11-17. Customization and flexibility are key to Hallmark Youthcare's short-term treatment options for youth. Brief stays and highly individualized treatment plans meet the needs of youth stepping down from a hospital stay or who need a short-term residential stay. TSAY Program provides immediate and intensive early intervention services for male adolescents, who have demonstrated aggressive sexual behaviors.
Jurisdictions Served:
Outside Northern VA
This provider has self-identified trauma expertise.
This provider accepts Medicaid.
Private Insurance:
This provider accepts private Insurance.