Blue Ridge Therapy Services

Blue Ridge Therapy Services

Blue Ridge Therapy Services provides trauma therapy to teens, college students and young adults who have experience trauma due to early childhood experiences, single events, or complex trauma; offers adoption competent counseling (individual therapy and family therapy), specializing in individual and family therapy for children, teens, and parents who are part of foster, pre-adoptive, and adoptive families; and offers ongoing online therapy with video counseling sessions and one-time video consultations to teens and adults throughout DC, Virginia and Maryland.
Jurisdictions Served:
Outside Northern VA
This provider has self-identified trauma expertise.
This provider does not accept Medicaid.
Private Insurance:
This provider does not accept private insurance.
Provider Payment Description:
Blue Ridge Therapy Services is not in-network with any insurance providers. If you wish to use your out of network benefits, please contact your insurance provider directly. Carroll will provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement. Please contact your insurance provider directly for more information.
Telehealth ONLY in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and DC
(703)775-4102 Monday - Friday, by appointment only *Limited weekend availability