A Mother’s Rest Charitable Respite Foundation

A Mother’s Rest Charitable Respite Foundation

A Mother's Rest specializes in coordinating therapeutic respite retreats for parents of children with extra needs. The retreats are small group bed and breakfast gatherings that allow parents and caregivers to get true, recuperative rest to address physiological and mental fatigue. There are several types of retreats including retreats for just for moms, just for dads, for couples, mommy & me trips, millennial moms, soldiers & veterans, for families, and adoption prep & post adopt support. They also have a private Facebook support group where parents and caregivers who have a loved one with a disability or chronic illness can connect in a safe place to vent and find comfort.
Jurisdictions Served:
Outside Northern VA
This provider has self-identified trauma expertise.
This provider accepts Medicaid.
Private Insurance:
This provider accepts private Insurance.
32 E. Maint St Office (1)
32 E. Maint St
New Market