Recordings and materials from webinars and other presentations and events.

Supporting Positive Behaviors during Learning at Home webinar/discussion

Recorded on August 5, 2020, this brief webinar covers some positive behavior support basics as we think about returning to virtual learning in fall. Presented by Kelly Henderson, Executive Director, FFF.

  • PPT, Supporting Positive Behaviors during Learning at Home webinar/discussion

    Slides presented

  • Webinar, Supporting Positive Behaviors during Learning at Home webinar/discussion

    Webinar recording

A Conversation between Families & Educators: Strengthening Strategies for a Socially Distant Summer! webinar

Recorded 6 17 20, featuring Jennifer West and FFF’s Kelly Henderson. Handouts include slides, a list of social emotional learning strategies, lists of virtual support groups and summer camps/programs, and a handout from the Attachment and Trauma Network.

  • Website, A Conversation between Families & Educators: Strengthening Strategies for a Socially Distant Summer! webinar

    Recording of Conversation webinar

  • PDF, A Conversation between Families & Educators: Strengthening Strategies for a Socially Distant Summer! webinar

    Social Emotional Learning strategies from Jennifer West

  • Document, A Conversation between Families & Educators: Strengthening Strategies for a Socially Distant Summer! webinar

    Summer 2020 Camps and Programs- virtual and in person

  • Document, A Conversation between Families & Educators: Strengthening Strategies for a Socially Distant Summer! webinar

    Attachment and Trauma Network Social Distancing Infographic

Planning the High School Transition to Post-Secondary Education webinar recording

A 35 minute discussion about transitioning from high school to college and post-high school settings, with expert guest Annie Tulkin and hosted by FFF.

  • Webinar, Planning the High School Transition to Post-Secondary Education webinar recording

Pandemic Parenting: Brain Science, Help and Hope

This webinar from Formed Families Forward was broadcast live on May 18, 2020. Find the full recording, and 5 accompanying handouts here.

  • Webinar, Pandemic Parenting: Brain Science, Help and Hope

    Recording of Pandemic Parenting webinar

  • Document, Pandemic Parenting: Brain Science, Help and Hope

    Pandemic Parenting webinar slides

  • Document, Pandemic Parenting: Brain Science, Help and Hope

    NCTSN Fact sheet: Supporting Children during COVID

  • Document, Pandemic Parenting: Brain Science, Help and Hope

    Self Care Assessment

  • Document, Pandemic Parenting: Brain Science, Help and Hope

    FFF Trauma Videos flyer

  • Document, Pandemic Parenting: Brain Science, Help and Hope

    FFF Trauma Videos fact sheets

Educators and Families Partner: Setting the Stage for Learning at Home webinar

Originally broadcast on April 13, 2020. FFF staff talk with professional public school educator Jennifer West about how to support children and youth in learning at home. Tune into this 20 minute session to hear some practical tips from both family and educator perspectives.

  • Webinar, Educators and Families Partner: Setting the Stage for Learning at Home webinar

FASD from a Trauma Lens webinar

Broadcast on February 11, 2020, this webinar features Barb Clark from NACAC.

  • Webinar, FASD from a Trauma Lens webinar

    Webinar recording

  • PPT, FASD from a Trauma Lens webinar

    Slides from 2 11 20 webinar

Evidence-based Interventions for Children with FASD webinar

Originally recorded January 16, 2020, presented by Dr. Molly Millians of Emory University.

  • Webinar, Evidence-based Interventions for Children with FASD webinar

    Webinar recording

  • PPT, Evidence-based Interventions for Children with FASD webinar

    Slides for 1 16 20 webinar

WEBINAR – FASD in Schools

This webinar on February 7, 2019 by FFF Director Kelly Henderson focused on avenues for securing education supports for children and youth with FASD and strategies and resources for families to share with school staff.

  • Webinar, WEBINAR – FASD in Schools

    Recording of Webinar

  • Document, WEBINAR – FASD in Schools

    Slides from webinar

WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

Dr. Susan Rich presented a webinar as part of our FASD series. Find her slides and additional handouts here, as well as a recording of the  webinar. Please note that video images start about 6 minutes into the recording and due to errors in the file, the audio of Dr. Rich discontinues @ minute 30. We have worked with GoToWebinar extensively to repair the audio file and unfortunately there was a permanent loss of audio. We are assured this issue will not reoccur in future webinars. Our apologies.

  • PDF, WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

    Slides from Dr. Rich's webinar

  • PDF, WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

    ND PAE Diagnostic Tool from Dr. Rich Jan 2019 webinar

  • PDF, WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

    ND PAE diagnostic tool Explanation Dr. Rich Jan 2019 webinar

  • Webinar, WEBINAR- Improved Outcomes through Screening and Diagnosis of ND-PAE in Patients with FASD

    Recording of Dr. Rich's 1/28/19 webinar (video begins @ minute 6)

WEBINAR- Practical Strategies for Supporting A Loved One with FASD

A recording of a January 16, 2019 FFF webinar by Barbara Clark of the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC).

  • Webinar, WEBINAR- Practical Strategies for Supporting A Loved One with FASD

    Practical Strategies for Supporting A Loved One with FASD

  • PPT, WEBINAR- Practical Strategies for Supporting A Loved One with FASD

    Practical Strategies for Supporting a Loved One with FASD Slides

Neurodiversity and Virtual Learning: Understanding Tourette Syndrome and Co-Occurring Conditions

Presented live on November 18, 2020 by Wendy Wegman from Tourette Association of America. This 6th webinar in Formed Families Forward’s Facing Fall series covered prevalence and characteristics of Tourette Syndrome and other tic disorders. The presentation shared information about co-occurring disorders including ADHD, OCD and other mental health conditions.  Ms. Wegman also covered strategies for accommodating special needs during virtual learning.

Slides and a handout from the presentation are provided here.

  • PDF, Neurodiversity and Virtual Learning: Understanding Tourette Syndrome and Co-Occurring Conditions

    Session handout

  • PDF, Neurodiversity and Virtual Learning: Understanding Tourette Syndrome and Co-Occurring Conditions

    Webinar presentation slides

Spring Forward breakout “Stepping it Up: Making the Most of Special Education”

Spring Forward breakout “Stepping it Up: Making the Most of Special Education” by Kelly Henderson.

Understanding the mountain:

  • Basics of early intervention (birth -age 3)
  • Basics of disability access
  • Basics of special education (age 3 –21)

Living with the mountain: IDEA cycle

Alternative routes to scale the mountain: Special Issues for formed families

  • PPT, Spring Forward breakout “Stepping it Up: Making the Most of Special Education”

Spring Forward Family Fun Day Keynote “April Showers Bring… More Conflict”
April 05, 2014

2014 Spring Forward Family Fun Day Keynote “April Showers Bring… More Conflict” by Leila Peterson.

“How we view conflict will largely determine our attitude and approach to dealing with it.”

Bernard Mayer, Dynamics of Conflict

  • PPT, Spring Forward Family Fun Day Keynote “April Showers Bring… More Conflict”

Spring Forward breakout “Parent Child Interaction Therapy”

2014 Spring Forward breakout “Parent Child Interaction Therapy” by Lori Day and Elizabeth Adams.

  • PPT, Spring Forward breakout “Parent Child Interaction Therapy”

Understanding Trauma in Children and Youth video

From the Fairfax Trauma-Informed Care Network

This session gives a primer on the lasting effects of trauma, and provides practical strategies for developing positive coping skills in children and youth with a history of trauma. Participants will enhance their ability to understand and handle challenging behavior in young people and learn how to develop a trauma-informed environment, focusing on strategies that minimize triggers and emphasize effective, asset-focused behavior management.

  • Website, Understanding Trauma in Children and Youth video

  • Webinar, Understanding Trauma in Children and Youth video

Halfway There! Strategies for Helping Students with Special Needs Succeed

Recording of the webinar on “Halfway There! Strategies for Helping Students with Special Needs Succeed” with FFF Director Kelly Henderson, hosted by New Found Families of Virginia, presented on February 28, 2018.


  • Webinar, Halfway There! Strategies for Helping Students with Special Needs Succeed

Neurofeedback: How Strengthening Brains can Conquer Challenging Thoughts and Behaviors
March 05, 2018

To view the recording of the webinar on “Neurofeedback: How Strengthening Brains can Conquer Challenging Thoughts and Behaviors” with Dan Dinsmore and Larisa deGraffenreid.

  • Webinar, Neurofeedback: How Strengthening Brains can Conquer Challenging Thoughts and Behaviors

  • PPT, Neurofeedback: How Strengthening Brains can Conquer Challenging Thoughts and Behaviors

Plotting the Path: A Graduation Requirements Update from VDOE with Marianne Moore, VDOE
March 06, 2017

To view the recording of the webinar on “Plotting the Path: A Graduation Requirements Update from VDOE with Marianne Moore, VDOE” with Marianne Moore.

  • Webinar, Plotting the Path: A Graduation Requirements Update from VDOE with Marianne Moore, VDOE

  • PPT, Plotting the Path: A Graduation Requirements Update from VDOE with Marianne Moore, VDOE

Securing A Future for Formed Families
March 02, 2017

To view the recording of the webinar on “Securing A Future for Formed Families” by Tia Marsili.

  • Webinar, Securing A Future for Formed Families

  • PPT, Securing A Future for Formed Families

Fun Ahead: Creating Your Family’s Summer Bucket List

Fun ahead: Creating your family’s summer bucket list.

For toddlers & preschoolers, elementary school age, adolescents, teens and tweens.

  • PPT, Fun Ahead: Creating Your Family’s Summer Bucket List