Resources Specifically for Formed Families

Partnering with Schools, for kinship caregivers

From The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center:

This fact sheet on Partnering with Schools offers key takeaways from the second of five sessions for social service professionals who want to improve outreach to kin caregivers, conducted in 2024. The fact sheet gives suggestions for how kinship caregivers and kinship organizations can partner with schools, and overviews a tiered approach to engaging kinship caregivers in schools.

  • PDF, Partnering with Schools, for kinship caregivers

    Partnering with Schools fact sheet for kinship

  • Website, Partnering with Schools, for kinship caregivers

    Weblink to fact sheet

Together is Better: Building Collaborative Relationships with School Staff webinar
September 26, 2024

This webinar broadcast live on September 26, 2024, addressed ways that foster, adoptive and kinship families can build collaborative relationships with teachers and school staff.

Presented by Stacia Stribling, PhD, Deputy Director of Formed Families Forward.

  • Webinar, Together is Better: Building Collaborative Relationships with School Staff webinar

    Recording of Webinar

  • PDF, Together is Better: Building Collaborative Relationships with School Staff webinar

    Presentation slides

IEP Transition Planning In Virginia: Tips To Know For Youth With IEPs Who Are In Foster Care
April 04, 2022

A fact sheet developed by Formed Families Forward for the Parent Educational Adocacy and Training Center (PEATC)’s WAZE to Adulthood project. This fact sheet offers tips and best practices for implementing strong transition planning for youth and young adults with disabilities who are also in foster care. Virginia-specific policies and resources are provided.

Designed for parents, caregivers, professional partners and others.

  • Factsheet, IEP Transition Planning In Virginia: Tips To Know For Youth With IEPs Who Are In Foster Care

    Planning for Transition IEPs fact sheet

Raising and Working with Children and Youth in Foster Care or Living with Kin: Your Guide to Resources in Virginia

This Guide from Virginia Family Special Education Connection offers families and professionals links to state- and local-specific resources for enrolling students, education, medical care, mental health, transitioning students to post-secondary settings, courts, and other areas.

Updated Summer 2023

  • Website, Raising and Working with Children and Youth in Foster Care or Living with Kin: Your Guide to Resources in Virginia

    Website resource

  • Document, Raising and Working with Children and Youth in Foster Care or Living with Kin: Your Guide to Resources in Virginia


Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information on who is considered “Parent” for financial aid

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information on who is considered “Parent” for financial aid.

If you are considered a dependent student for FAFSA® purposes, you will need to provide information about your legal parent(s) on the application. A legal parent is your biological or adoptive parent, or your legal parent as determined by the state (for example, if the parent is listed on your birth certificate). If you have a stepparent currently married to your legal parent, you generally also must provide information about him or her.

  • Website, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information on who is considered “Parent” for financial aid

    More info and how to apply

Helping Youth Transition to Adulthood: Guidance for Foster Parents

Helping Youth Transition to Adulthood: Guidance for Foster Parents, a fact sheet of Child Welfare Information Gateway.

This factsheet provides guidance on how foster parents can help youth build a foundation for a successful transition to adult life outside of foster care. It describes the challenges youth face, how the adolescent brain affects them during this time, and Federal laws and programs. It also provides concrete ways they can partner with youth.

  • Guide, Helping Youth Transition to Adulthood: Guidance for Foster Parents